• Moringa Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Oil

  • Moringa Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Oil
  • Moringa Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Oil

  • Price :
  • 28  
  • Qty :

    노니는 항염 /항암/면역력강화 /당뇨개선/고혈압예방에 탁월합니다.  또한 노화방지와 다이어트에도 효과가 좋습니다.     부드러운 거품이 생성되면 솔을 이용하셔서 사용하세요.   8. 모링가 항암 항염 오일 5000년부터 약으로 사용되었던 나무로  뿌리부터 씨앗까지 버릴것이 없는 아낌없이 주는 나무로 불리웠던 모링가..  항암/항염효과와 당뇨개선 피부미용 혈관 건강등 여러가지 효능이 있습니다.    그중 모링가 오일은 보습작용 트러블,민감성 ,건성피부에 효과적인 오일로  세안후 물방울이 맺힌 상태에서 발라주시면 하루종일 물광 피부를 유지하실수있습니다~

【 Payment Method 】

  • * Bank Transfer: Woori Bank, Nonghyup Bank, Credit (Debit) Card :
  • * The bank account number for transfers is provided in the automatic email sent after your order.
  • * Bank transfers will be automatically canceled if payment is not made within a specified period.

【 Cancellation・Refund 】

  • 1. 100% Refund of Payment Amount
  • ㆍCancellation before delivery: 100% refund.
  • ㆍIn case of a clear fault by our system or the seller: 100% cancellation/refund.

  • 2. Refund of Amount Excluding Round-trip Shipping Costs for Simple Change of Mind
  • ㆍIf partially damaged, refund only for the damaged quantity.

  • 3. Exchange/Return Restrictions
  • ㆍFor custom-made products, if the production has already started.
  • ㆍIf the product is opened and used after delivery, and there is serious damage affecting resale (e.g., missing parts).
  • ㆍIf the product’s value has significantly decreased due to time elapsed or partial use.
  • ㆍIf damage/fault/contamination occurs due to careless handling.
  • ㆍIf the customer requests free exchange/return due to a simple change of mind.
  • ㆍIf free exchange/return is requested due to changes in parts prices by the manufacturer.
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